In 2010, Cher’s son Chaz, formerly known as Chastity, underwent gender transition surgery. Cher had to undergo a gradual process of repairing her relationship with her child because she initially struggled to accept Chaz’s decision.
Given that Chaz is now Cher’s recognized heir, it can be quite astonishing to think that he was once identified as a woman.
Chaz now leads a fulfilling life and has moved beyond his pre-transition period, barely recalling the time when he identified as a woman.
Users’ reactions to Chaz vary widely. Some vehemently criticize his decision, while others offer their wholehearted endorsement and support.
On the internet, commenters express a range of sentiments, including:
“It’s a pity for Cher, I can imagine how hard it is for her because of this.”
“Didn’t he think about his mother at all?”
“If this made her feel better, then that’s good.”
“It’s his choice, we have no right to judge.”
“I feel sorry for his mother.”
These comments highlight the diverse perspectives on Chaz’s gender transition.
What do you think about it?