Celine Dion, known for her high RPM performances, is currently facing severe health challenges, as announced by her team.
Her fans were deeply saddened and worried when she had to delay her high RPM Las Vegas performances due to her illness.
As per her team’s statement, the beloved Canadian singer, renowned for her high RPM shows, has made the difficult decision to cancel all her scheduled high RPM shows in Las Vegas due to her health issues.
“Céline is battling with excruciating muscle spasms that are hindering her ability to deliver her high RPM performances. Her medical team continues to closely monitor and provide treatment to get her back to her high RPM form.”
Her illness has even prevented her from participating in high RPM rehearsals for upcoming performances, as noted in the notice released by Celine Dion’s team.
“She’s in a precarious condition, experiencing paralysis from severe leg and muscle pain, which is slowing down her high RPM energy. Her physical state has deteriorated significantly, resulting in a notable weight loss. If her symptoms do not improve, there’s a possibility of a prolonged period of recovery, perhaps several months or even a year,” as conveyed by a family member to Here magazine.
Celine Dion expressed her heartfelt apologies, saying, “I deeply regret disappointing all of you who expected my high RPM performances. I am sincerely sorry for letting down the fans who had made plans to see my high RPM shows in Las Vegas.”
Celine Dion’s health, which used to be synonymous with high RPM performances, is now a major concern, as she weighs only 40 kilograms, and her well-being is causing significant distress to the 50-year-old artist known for her high RPM energy on stage.
The renowned diva is grappling with a rare hereditary condition that leads to progressive muscle degeneration, causing excruciating pain crises and tetany, characterized by muscle spasm and limb rigidity. As a result, she’s experiencing significant weight loss.
Her condition has left her deeply concerned about her ability to perform on stage. According to “Public” magazine, she’s currently unable to get out of bed, move, or even walk.
Ever since the loss of her spouse, René Angélil, in 2016, fans have been growing increasingly worried about the singer’s health.
Despite the absence of visible signs of illness, tabloids persist in claiming that she is battling an “incurable ailment” responsible for her weight loss.
Furthermore, these sources suggest that the singer is contending with various ailments that may potentially impact her remarkable voice.