13 Individuals with Remarkable Observation Skills Even Challenging Sherlock Holmes

It’s as difficult to find a good photo opportunity as it is to win the lotto, but these folks looked right at the most interesting subjects and captured them. They were not only quick, but also alert and fortunate enough to observe things that the majority of us miss.

1. “Duck diapers for pet ducks.”

2. “They make wheelchairs for chickens.”

3. “The embers of my bonfire look like the eye of Sauron.”

4. “These strange lights showed up in the sky over Jeju, South Korea. They have been here for an hour!”

5. “Look what my mom spotted. Who knew this is how possums transport their babies?”

6. “My brother has a condition where his iris leaks into his pupil (doesn’t affect his vision).”

7. “My baby’s hairy ears”

8. “Here’s the McRib patty before being cooked.”

9. The inside of a wasp nest

10. “There’s a man trying to escape from my pancake.”

11. “This ’red only’ rainbow I saw at midnight in Finland.”

12. “My ham has a face.”

13. “This albino reindeer I saw while traveling in Finnish Lapland.”

Which shot stand out to you the most? When do you upload photos to the internet?