People frequently turn to the internet to get guidance or, more accurately, to clarify if what they did was the proper one. It appeared that the mother’s request for a favor from her daughter was not warmly received.
Keep reading to know all that went down.
The community was contacted by a Reddit user named “throwaway dating224” who wanted to ask a crucial question. She needed confirmation that she wasn’t at fault in a circumstance she was going through.
She disclosed that in 2019, while she was enrolled in college, her daughter had returned home with her. It’s unclear if she had lived with her mother her entire life or had moved out to attend college and then returned. Even though her daughter had graduated from college and secured employment, she was still unable to support herself financially.
Her mother had one small request for her, though, because she did have a job: to split the costs. “I have requested that we divide the rent and utility costs equally between us. and [she] doesn’t think it’s fair,” the writer stated.
She also disclosed that the daughter is merely saving money to enable her to have enough for a down payment on a house or for additional education, not because she wants to live with mom.
She also highlighted how expensive life was, even though their home’s rent was cheap for the neighborhood.
Apart from all of this, the daughter declined to extend an invitation to guests because she felt “embarrassed by the state of the house.” The mother revealed that the sole reason for this was that she rarely had time to tidy up after herself because she was so exhausted after work.
Her simple inquiry was, “Is it acceptable for me to ask her daughter to share the rent with me?”
As the Reddit community offered their opinions on the matter. Stef Tousignant, a parenting expert from California, also discussed the circumstances with the media.
Tousignant said parents have several options in situations like these, “Use your power to force or coerce, give in and let your child dictate the complete outcome — or use love, empathy, and patience to come up with a solution with your child,” she also said.
The expert said, “The daughter needs to come to the table with respect for her mother and accountability for her behaviors, and the mother needs to come to the table with compassion for her daughter but boundaries for herself.”
In response to the mother’s request, some members of the Reddit community expressed their anger, with one person asking, “Why should she pay half when the home is filled with all [of] your things?”
“Why are you too weary to move your belongings but not too tired to cash your daughter’s checks?” inquired a different user.
A different user offered a solution to make the request reasonable: “Charging her rent? Well, no issue there. Nevertheless, if she hasn’t utilized half of the house yet, fix it before charging her, or modify the rent (percentage) appropriately, the same user said.