In Reykjavik, Iceland, in 1943, US soldiers stationed there during World War II noticed a mysterious man wearing civilian clothing holding his hand close to his ear as if he were using an undeveloped cell phone. Social media erupted with rumors that he could be a time traveler.
Latest web images of this cryptic figure haven’t yielded a clear solution. Others make outlandish claims like extraterrestrial participation or very advanced technology that is beyond our comprehension, while some dismiss time travel as implausible.
However, this enigmatic figure continues to capture people’s attention and ignite a global curiosity with time travel. The image is a focal point in talks of the riddles of time travel since it depicts a man who appears to be out of place while leaning on a window and speaking on a cellphone.
There are a number of suggestions about what he might have been doing at that same moment, such as him checking his watch or having a reflex, but none of them has produced conclusive evidence. The mystery lingers, leading us to wonder what the real story is behind this puzzling image.