Beneath an idyllic Italian farm near Verona, an astonishing Roman mosaic emerged, revealing its treasures to the world.
Skilled artisans unearthed this fortune in the enchanting expanse of Negrar di Valpolicella, nestled in the northeastern embrace of Italy. Remarkably, over a century after the remains of an ancient villa first came to light, destiny once again chose this very site for an astounding revelation.
Unveiling a tale of ancient craftsmanship, archaeologists speculate that the elaborate floor might have formed a part of a preceding structure. After numerous fruitless endeavors spanning decades, its presence finally came to light.
Dating back to the third century AD, the intricate mosaic floor is currently undergoing meticulous excavation by skilled technicians, who are diligently seeking the safest approach.
Beneath an Italian farm near Verona, a hidden secret emerged—a Roman mosaic of captivating allure. Historical accounts reveal that scholars had stumbled upon fragments of the flooring and foundations of the Roman Villa, situated to the north of the capital, over a century ago.
Subsequently, the Superintendence will engage with the Municipality and landowners to strategize the most optimal approach for unveiling and rendering this archaeological marvel accessible. This endeavor is anticipated to span a considerable duration and demand substantial resources. Nevertheless, traversing this path remains imperative.”
In the past summer, a team from the Office of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape of Verona revisited the site, resuming the excavations that had been halted since 1922.
Regrettably, this year saw another interruption of the dig due to the global pandemic, yet it was recently reignited. In a thrilling turn of events, the remarkable discovery followed shortly thereafter. The uncovering caught the attention of archaeologist Myko Clelland, who encountered it online and promptly shared a tweet that swiftly attained viral status.