An exceptional tale unfolds as a Missouri mother takes to Facebook in a bold stand to champion her son.
The young adolescent, long plagued by the torment of a persistent bully, found himself suspended from school for finally retaliating with a punch. Rather than succumbing to dismay, the mother radiates with pride. A captivating wave of attention washes over her Facebook post. Particularly drawn to her unwavering assertion. Both the school and the bully miss the mark, while her son’s embrace of physical force as a solution emerges as the righteous path.
Enduring years of suffering, the mother recounted how her son finally took a stand against his tormentor, resorting to a punch to defend himself. Allison Davis, in a viral Facebook post shared over 145,000 times, unraveled the events that led to her son’s suspension from school.
“For beating up the kid that has been tormenting and bullying him since middle school, he received five days of out-of-school suspension (OSS).” she wrote. “As a parent, I should be upset about his use of violence and the suspension, but I’m not. Not even a bit.”
Davis delved into chilling specifics, describing the years of abuse her son suffered, from taunts to threats, at the hands of the bully. She noted that some of these instances were captured on video, yet the school failed to intervene.
Her son, Drew, didn’t resort to violence without reason. According to his mother, it followed years of seeking help from adults. “The school has repeatedly failed Drew. Despite constant threats of physical harm and intimidation from this child and his associates, the school remained inactive,” she wrote. “Even when this child was caught on video following Drew down the hall, making threats and mocking him, the school did nothing.”
Davis further explained how other students alerted teachers and administrators about the ongoing threat to Drew, but the school’s response remained insufficient. “When this child resorted to social media, voicemails, and text threats, the school did nothing,” she continued. “Even when this child repeatedly menaced Drew in every class they shared, the school took no action.”
While Davis hoped for a change in the new school year, she lamented that the school continued to overlook her concerns. “At the start of the year, I sent the school a lengthy email. I was pleading for intervention, as Drew refused to confide in school adults due to his lack of faith in their support,” Davis recounted. “Despite having four classes with his bully, the school’s ‘solution’ was to have them sign a no-contact contract.”
However, this so-called “solution” led to a breaking point, prompting Drew to take matters into his own hands.
Drew’s plea for help from adults was not in vain. Davis detailed Drew’s middle school experience, marked by fear as he traversed the hallways, subjected to mockery and threats from his bully and his cronies. Drew’s communication with adults proved futile, exacerbating the situation as the bully remained unpunished.
The tipping point arrived when the bully targeted Drew’s 11-year-old brother. Drew had finally had enough. “When this child began targeting Drew on the bus, then proceeded to mock his father and threaten Jackson, Drew’s 11-year-old brother, Drew decided to take matters into his own hands,” Davis shared. “Three punches later, the bully wailed, his friends fell silent, and this morning, the bully avoided eye contact. Problem solved.”
Despite Drew’s suspension, his mother’s anger was not directed at him; instead, it was aimed at the school for allowing the situation to escalate. “The school has never once disciplined the child who relentlessly bullied and threatened Drew,” she emphasized.
Although pride isn’t typically the reaction a mother has to her son’s suspension, countless Facebook users are lauding this mother and her son. Drew’s refusal to tolerate the abuse any longer, when adults failed to intervene, has garnered immense support.
One commenter highlighted the importance of self-defense when authorities fail to act. “Tell a teacher, tell the school, and then… handle it if you have to,” they wrote. “He did nothing wrong and hopefully, the school teaches bystanders to start standing up for the person being bullied.”
Another commenter pointed out the sad reality of bullying statistics. “I’m glad he took care of himself. Too often we hear of children hurting or even killing themselves to escape bullying. He did the right thing. Be proud.”
Drew’s actions earned applause, with many recognizing that he had taken a life lesson to heart. Despite dissenting views on the efficacy of violence as a solution, a majority stand with the mother’s perspective. Justice was served, and Drew’s actions will resonate throughout his life.
A GoFundMe campaign was established to support Drew’s recovery from his ordeal, surpassing its initial $300 goal.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice, approximately 20% of students aged 12 to 18 face bullying nationwide.
With over 600 comments and counting, Davis has struck a chord with parents worldwide who are exasperated by their children’s bullying experiences and the perceived inaction of schools in addressing the issue.