Once hailed as the “world’s enchanting duo,” these extraordinary twins now command a devoted following of over 1.8 million admirers! Jaqi Clements, the fortunate mother of these captivating daughters, revealed to BuzzFeed that the girls’ Instagram journey skyrocketed right from its inception.
From the very moment of their birth, destiny bestowed upon them the endearing moniker “The Beauties.”
“Within just half a year, their follower count had surged to nearly 150,000. It was around that juncture that an article about them made its way into the Daily Mail,” she recounted.
In swift succession, their follower tally crossed the remarkable threshold of 1 million, and it’s now blazing even brighter at 1.8 million, with no sign of slowing down.
“The past year has unfurled in a whirlwind of delight and adventure for Ava and Leah. From exclusive shopping escapades to receiving coveted offerings from global brands, and from capturing moments with their enthusiasts, the girls have been on an exhilarating journey. Yet, amidst all this, the most cherished aspect remains the friendships they’ve woven along the path,” she shared, reflecting on the journey earlier this year.
With a mother’s unwavering desire for her children’s happiness, Clements ensures her daughters excel academically while embracing the joys essential for their well-rounded growth.
“Whenever they secure assignments via Instagram, I meticulously arrange them for weekends or immediately after school hours, safeguarding their classroom time. Should they secure a job through their agency, a dedicated teacher accompanies them on set, ensuring their scholastic progress remains uninterrupted,” she affirmed.
Each time the girls embark on a work venture, they undertake a two-hour drive to Los Angeles.
“In instances where their assignments are brief,” she revealed as per the report, “I occasionally sprinkle in a delightful surprise—a spontaneous lunch, dinner, or a whimsical outing with a dear friend in the heart of LA.” She continued, “And on those work-free days, their routine is one of school, followed by a swim practice, a dance session, or spirited outdoor escapades with neighborhood pals.”
When the girls reached the age of 7, their mother sensed the time was right to enlist them with a modeling agency.
“Beyond my affinity for signs, and with the resounding endorsement of many who regard 7 as a fortuitous number,” Jaqi shared with the Daily Star, “I simply had an intuition that this year held the promise of joy and excitement for them.”
While every mother cherishes the gift of a child, in the case of these two cherubic darlings, it’s as if God lavished an extra dose of beauty upon them without restraint.
May these two radiant sisters revel in a childhood brimming with games, laughter, and unbridled joy!