The mission of Louboutina is to give everyone L O V E.
This canine is a Heaven-sent Angel!!!
Golden Retriever pets are well-known for their friendliness and gentleness. According to the majority of dog lovers, the golden retriever is the ideal family companion.
Louboutina is a famous golden retriever from Chelsea, New York City, who enjoys giving public hugs.
Golden Retrievers are an INCREDIBLE breed. Such selfless devotion for everyone!
The gorgeous golden retriever, whose name honors a French shoe designer, spends at least two hours a day greeting strangers with affection.
Golden retrievers are renowned for their friendliness?
Her owner, 45-year-old Fernandez-Chavez, stated that this is not an ordinary trek; rather, it is a walk with hugs.
Many individuals claim that she has made their day… If they had a poor day at work, this may have been exactly what they required.
Admire this dog. so beautiful and sweet.
It all began around Valentine’s Day in 2014, when Loubie began taking her owner’s hand after he ended a relationship, he says. She began sitting up and grabbing my wrists with both paws, before crossing one paw over the other.
I remember joking with my companions on Valentine’s Day that at least I have someone to hold hands with.
Now, Fernandez-Chavez understands that not only he, but the entire universe, requires the warmth his dog provides.
Everyone needs an embrace… We wish there were more individuals like this dog!
What a magnificent spirit…! I adore you tremendously.