Some extraordinary individuals devote their lives to rescuing these abandoned animals. Rex, a German Shepherd, was discovered in a terrible state by the Takis Animal Shelter in Greece.
Numerous pet owners in Greece have abandoned their animals because they cannot care for them. Takis Proestakis is also known as the “angel of compassion” for the Cretan dog population.
After leaving his employment as a disc jockey, Takis decided to establish an animal shelter. Takis has rescued over 200 canines to date. He is a compassionate individual whose mission is to save animals.
A passerby discovered a German Shepherd dog tied to a tree and abandoned. He apprised Takis of the dog’s dreadful condition. Soon thereafter, Takis arrived to assist and check on the dog.
Rex recently had sustenance beside him. He was in awful shape. Takis was extremely enraged because he could not believe how inhumane some individuals could be towards creatures. However, Rex was one of the most gentle canines that Takis ever encountered.
Rex walked alone to his vehicle and remained composed throughout the trip home. Takis was initially concerned that he might be aggressive towards other canines at the shelter. However, Rex exhibited normal behavior and soon made friends with other canines.
According to Takis, he is a gentleman par excellence. He has a charming personality and is an intelligent dog. Takis is attempting to locate him a new home, and Rex and Takis have formed a strong bond.